New members of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. are accepted on both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Potential graduate members must hold a degree from a four year accredited educational institution.
Potential members of Eta Xi Sigma Alumnae Chapter should also be upstanding women and active in service to their communities.
For more information, please contact our Membership Chair at
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc does not tolerate hazing of any form. Hazing is wrong, prohibited, and unauthorized.
Welcome Home!
We are absolutely ecstatic that you have considered reinstating your membership and reconnecting with our inner circle of sisters.
Your active support, through reinstatement, is at the forefront of creating sustainable, positive change for families, communities, our nation, and the world.
If you are interested in reactivating and making Eta Xi Sigma your home, please visit our contact page.


Since its inception, Sigma Gamma Rho has promoted unity among women and for years many alumnae chapters worked with individuals who were not members of Greek-lettered organizations. These women were organized into auxiliaries that had various names until 1954 when the sorority officially approved the organized affiliate group and accepted the name of “Philo”(meaning Friend) as their official name.
In 1980, the Philos were organized on a national level and have grown to represent hundreds of women organized on a regional level as well. The Philos have contributed countless hours of community service and thousands of dollars to aid Sigma Gamma Rho’s aim to enhance the quality of life within every community.

A love for youth and the development of their full potential was the primary motivating factor that inspired Founder Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little to organize Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Young people today face challenges that could never have been imagined years ago, but such challenges provide the sorority with opportunities to carry on the vision of Little.
Rhoers are young girls organized on a local, regional and national level. The Rhoer affiliates are working to help other young people while they learn about their heritage and develop leadership skills. Sigma Gamma Rho is dedicated to helping Rhoers grow to be women of substance dedicated to service.